Now Playing: CSCF’s Job Launchpad Podcast Series – Season 3

CSCF’s Job Launchpad Podcast Series – Season 3

September is Workforce Development Month which marked the beginning of a new season of CSCF’s Job Launchpad podcast series! Pam Nabors interviewed Mike Fazio, Founder and CEO of Workforce 180, an industry organization specializing in workforce consulting, training, and marketing. During the new episode titled “Career Journey: A Conversation with Mike Fazio,” Mike shared highlights of his career journey, from working in telecommunications and sales to finding the right career path in workforce development. He also shared valuable insight and advice for anyone looking for a new job or making a career change.

CSCF Job Launchpad now has more than 10 free podcast episodes that cover a range of topics including advice on your career path, interviewing tips, finance, and more. We encourage you to listen, subscribe, and share this beneficial resource throughout your networks. All episodes are available on the CSCF website and podcast platforms, including Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher. Stay tuned for the next episode featuring CSCF Board Member Richard Sweat.

Listen to Career Journey: A Conversation with Mike Fazio, CEO of Workforce180