How We Operate

A top priority for CareerSource Central Florida is to ensure the workforce programs that we deliver to businesses and job seekers in our communities not only meet, but exceed federal standards with integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Strategic Plans

The CSCF Strategic Plan is developed and based on local / regional labor market and workforce needs and priorities. The Consortium and Board of Directors must approve the strategic plan, which is submitted to the Florida Department of Commerce every four years.


Florida Department of Commerce

We work collectively with the Florida Department of Commerce (FC), previously known as the Department of Economic Opportunity, to help Floridians return to the workforce. The FC and CareerSource Florida network partners are responsible for carrying out the Governor’s vision for the state’s workforce system in support of the customers they serve. Our network strives to provide excellent customer services to all Floridians.

Financials & Compensation

CSCF is the designated entity to receive and administer U.S. Department of Labor federal funds, which are awarded to CSCF from the Florida Department of Commerce for the purpose of providing innovative workforce solutions under current legislation. Federal rules have requirements for the use and allocation of these funds for general administrative, training and employment services which are strictly adhered to by CSCF.

Effective July 1, 2022, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires issuers seeking certification of a health plan as a qualified health plan (QHP) to make accurate and timely disclosures of certain information and make it available to the public.



CSCF is audited annually by the Florida Department of Commerce, as required by federal law on its financial and workforce programs. To ensure CSCF meets and/or exceeds state and federal auditing guidelines, it also routinely conducts  contracted quality assurance audits on its workforce programfiscal compliance, processesprocedures, and performance metrics. Based on audit findings, CSCF quality assurance staff provide technical assistance to address deficiencies, introduce process changes, and increase staff knowledge. Additionally, CSCF conducts an independent financial audit to comply with federal regulations and ensure organizational stewardship. 

Interlocal Agreement

The Consortium appoints the local workforce Board of Directors, who are accountable to the Consortium for planning and oversight of the CSCF workforce services in Central Florida, which are outlined in an Interlocal Agreement and approved by the Consortium every six years.


CSCF is a 501(c)3 private nonprofit organization led by a Consortium of Local Elected Officials (Consortium) who designates the Board of Directors as the fiscal administrator and CSCF as the operator of workforce services. The Board of Directors reports to the Consortium.  The Consortium is comprised of a selected county commissioner from each county in the local workforce region (Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Sumter). The Board operates through a committee structure including a Governance Committee which evaluates the Board’s bylaws, representation, and programmatic development.

Workforce Providers

CSCF has a variety of suppliers from whom goods and services are purchased. CSCF also contracts with sub-recipients to deliver workforce programs on behalf of the organization. Suppliers are expected to adhere to state and federal regulations related to business practices, and to provide the best products/services to contribute to the organization’s performance, at a fair price.