Work With Us


We are often looking for vendors who are interested in providing services or products to us. You can view our Requests for Proposals, Requests for Quotes, Solicitations, and Notices below. If interested in providing services or products not listed below, contact us to provide details on what you can offer us.

Vendor Interest Form

StatusTypeSubject Closing DateSolicitationQuestion & AnswerOther: (Attachments, Drawings, Cancellation Notices, Award Notices)

StatusTypeSubject Closing DateSolicitationLegal NoticesQuestion & AnswerOther: (Attachments, Drawings, Cancellation Notices, Award Notices)
CLOSEDRFPBanking Services1/31/2025Click HereClick HereExtension Memo
CLOSEDRFPOne-Stop Operator5/15/2024Click HereClick HereClick Here
CLOSEDRFPStrategic Organizational Transformation Consulting4/26/2024Click Here
Click HereClick Here


Per DEO requirements, CSCF must list contracts over $35k. The contract agreements and modifications can be found in the table below.

Contractor NameOriginal
Current Modification
(If Applicable)
Related Party (If Applicable)
AppleOneClick HereClick HereN/A
Appleton CreativeClick HereClick HereN/A
Astron SolutionsClick HereN/AN/A
BRIO, LLC.Click HereClick HereN/A
Carahsoft SalesforceClick HereN/AN/A
Career EDGE, LLCClick HereClick HereN/A
Career TEAM, LLC.Click HereClick HereN/A
CDB ProductionsClick HereClick HereN/A
Central Florida Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee MOUClick HereClick HereClick Here
Central Florida Public AffairsClick HereN/AN/A
Central Florida Urban LeagueClick HereN/AN/A
Cherry BekaertClick HereClick HereN/A
Christ The King Episcopal Church - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - SustainabilityClick HereClick HereN/A
Christ The King Episcopal Church - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - Business ManagementClick Here
Click HereN/A
Christ The King Episcopal Church - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - HospitalityClick HereClick HereN/A
ClifftonLarsonAllen (CLA)Click HereClick HereN/A
CuriumClick HereN/AN/A
Data Integrity ServicesClick HereClick HereN/A
Element One DataClick HereClick HereN/A
EMBRACE Families Community Based Care Inc.Click HereClick HereN/A
Five9Click HereN/AN/A
Florida Math InstituteClick HereClick HereN/A
Florida Prosperity Partners - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - Business ManagementClick HereClick HereN/A
Florida Prosperity Partners - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - HospitalityClick HereN/AN/A
GartnerClick HereN/AN/A
Go1 USAClick HereClick HereN/A
Goodwill Industries of Central FloridaClick HereN/AN/A
Grau & AssociatesClick HereClick HereN/A
Gray RobinsonClick HereClick HereN/A
Home Builders Institute Click HereClick HereN/A
IBuild Central FloridaClick HereClick HereN/A
ICAREClick HereClick HereN/A
IMPOWER, Inc.Click HereClick HereN/A
Iron Workers Local Union 808 Joint Apprenticeship Trust Fund, Inc.N/AN/AClick Here
Click Here
Click Here
Jani-King of OrlandoClick HereClick HereN/A
Jason LesandriniClick HereN/AN/A
Lake-Sumter State CollegeClick HereN/AN/A
Lake Technical College - Summer Youth Program (Accelerate/Engage)Click HereClick HereClick Here
Lake Technical College - Summer Youth Program (Explore)Click HereClick HereClick Here
Launchpad Careers, Inc.Click HereClick HereN/A
ManpowerClick HereClick HereN/A
McLean & CompanyClick HereN/AN/A
My True ProsperityClick HereClick HereN/A
ORLANDO LEASECO, LLC formerly RCS Orlando Airport 371 LLC
Click HereClick Here
Click Here
OneDigitalClick HereClick HereN/A
Orlando Health, Inc.Click HereClick HereN/A
Orlando International Business Center, LLC.Click HereClick HereN/A
Pacific BPA - NintexClick HereN/AN/A
QlessClick HereClick HereN/A
Quantum Improvements Consulting LLCClick HereN/AN/A
Risk StrategiesClick HereN/AN/A
Roadtrip NationClick HereN/AN/A
SageClick HereClick HereN/A
School Board of Orange County - Summer Youth Program (Accelerate)Click HereClick HereN/A
School Board of Orange County - Summer Youth Program (Explore)Click HereClick HereClick Here
School District of Osceola County - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - STEM ITClick HereClick HereN/A
School District of Osceola County - Summer Youth Program (Engage) - STEM Software & LogisticsClick HereClick HereN/A
School District of Osceola County - Summer Youth Program (Explore)Click HereClick HereN/A
Seminole State College of FloridaClick HereN/AClick Here
STEPSClick HereClick HereN/A
SWVP Orlando Office LLCClick HereClick HereN/A
Tech Sassy - Summer Youth (Engage)Click HereClick HereN/A
THMPClick HereClick HereN/A
T-MobileClick HereN/AN/A
TPMA - One-Stop-OperatorClick HereN/AN/A
University of Central FloridaClick HereClick HereN/A
Valencia College - Osceola County LeaseClick HereClick HereN/A
Valencia College - Summer Youth (Acclerate/Engage)Click HereClick HereClick Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Valencia College - Summer Youth Program (Explore)Click HereClick HereClick Here
VentasClick HereClick Here
Click Here
Virtual SystemsClick HereClick HereN/A
Walk With YouClick HereN/AN/A
West Oaks Mall FL LLCClick HereN/AN/A

Training Providers

New training providers must apply to the Florida Department of Commerce via Employ Florida. Go to Employ Florida, then click on the Sign In/Register button. Scroll down to the Provider Registration.

Training Program Criteria:

The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) enables qualified institutions, such as colleges, private training providers, and apprenticeship programs, to offer Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)-funded training services. To be eligible, providers must meet specific criteria, including offering industry-recognized credentials and adhering to performance standards like completion and job placement rates.

Approval Process:

To apply, first submit your application to the Florida Department of Commerce for inclusion on the state ETPL via Employ Florida. Go to Employ Florida, then click on the Sign In/Register button. Scroll down to the Provider Registration. Once your program is approved at the state level, CareerSource Central Florida (CSCF) will assess if it aligns with local demand and strategic priorities for addition to local ETPL.

The initial eligibility criteria for providers to be included on the ETPL include:

1. Program Description: Provide detailed descriptions of training programs and their associated costs.
2. Licensing and Accreditation: Must be licensed and accredited to provide training in Florida.
3. Performance Data: Submit verifiable performance metrics, such as completion rates, employment outcomes, and credential attainment.
4. Alignment with Local Needs: Programs should prepare participants for in-demand industries or occupations. Training Program is in the Local Targeted Occupations List.
5. Accessibility: Ensure that programs are accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities.

Providers initially approved are granted eligibility for one year. Continued eligibility requires a review every two years.

There are additional requirements training providers need to meet in order to qualify. We strongly encourage you to read this document before applying on the Florida Department of Commerce Employ Florida website.