Central Florida Faith Leaders Step Down from Pulpit to Raise Up Career Seekers in Congregation

The faith leadership breakfast was hosted by CSCF in an effort to share what the organization does to empower individuals in the community and to connect ministers directly to a career consultant. Bringing a diverse group of Central Florida ministers from various churches into one setting, they learned how to get their congregations engaged in a variety of complimentary services such as resume building, education opportunities and job placement assistance.

To further display just how impactful CSCF resources have been for the more than 70,000 individuals served a year, a journey from despair to hope for three career seekers was shown during the breakfast. Chrisson Clarke, Valdez Thomas and Kim Pickett all had very different stories that led them to CSCF but the one thing they had in common was their resilience and determination to succeed.

Watch how career seekers can completely change the trajectory of their lives with the help of CSCF and a little willpower here.